R: How to make professional and beautiful plots
1) lnstall R and R Studio
R Studio: https://www.rstudio.com/
2) Reference cards for data analysis
3) R packages
How to install R Packages:
Common used packages
To load data:
RMySQL: read in data from a database or Excel.
xlsx: read in data from a Excel.
To manipulate data:
stringr: easy to learn tools for regular expressions and character strings.
reshape2: transform data between wide and long formats.
To visualize data:
gplots: heatmap.2
ggplot2: plotting system for R, based on the grammar of graphics
plotly: R package for creating interactive web-based graphs
To model data:
lme4, nlme: Linear and Non-linear mixed effects models
randomForest: Random forest methods from machine learning
glmnet: Lasso and elastic-net regression methods with cross validation
NMF: do non-negative matrix factorization
To do bioinformatics:
limma, DESeq2, edgeR: do differential expression: link
survival: Tools for survival analysis
motifRG, MotIV, MotifDb: motif search and enrichment
enrichR: GO term enrichment
To write your own R packages:
devtools: An essential suite of tools for turning your code into an R package.
To color your figure:
colorbrewer: Creates nice looking color palettes especially for thematic maps http://colorbrewer2.org/
4) Homework
Plot one heatmap using function "heatmap.2" in package "gplots" or package "pheatmap" . Here are some files to help you finish this job: plotHeatmap.zip .
5) Teaching video
b.Advanced (by Yang Eric Li)
6) References
Last updated